Indian Hills Airpark Residents Train For SAR Air Unit
By Ron Kilber
February 13, 2001
Salome, Arizona -- Ten Indian Hills Airpark and two Parker residents completed the La Paz County Sheriff's Search and Rescue (SAR) Basic Training Academy today. The two-day class held at the airpark in Salome was conducted by Sgt. Karen Harris and Lt. Steve Biro of the Sheriff's office. Department VIP George Roth assisted. Completion of the course certifies volunteers as official members of the SAR Division of the La Paz County Sheriff's Department.
The SAR Division currently consists of seven units: Air, Mounted, Dive, Group Trackers, 4X4, Canine and Command Post. Volunteers consist of residents from Parker, Quartzsite, Bouse, Salome and rural areas. Counting today's graduates, there are now more than seventy-five members of the county SAR organization ready to find and save lives when needed.
All of today's airpark graduates are aircraft owners who have pledged to volunteer their airplanes for SAR missions in La Paz and nearby counties. Today's recruits more than double the number of aircraft now available within the county for official SAR missions.
SAR course content includes: search theory and management; communications; operational tactics; personal safety; map and compass reading; tracking and clue awareness; and legal aspects of SAR.
The Sheriff's Department conducts SAR basic training periodically. Individuals interested in volunteering should contact the Sheriff's office for further information.
Pictured left to right: Gail Navity, Marian Thistle, LaVonne Brekhus, Marge Skites, Ted Bryan, John Newman, Roger Thistle, Ron Skites, Steve Biro, Karen Harris. Seated on the floor: Ron Kilber and Chuck Schilder. (Photo by Den Peck)
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Copyright (C) 2001 Ron Kilber Non-commercial reproduction permitted in its entirety with this copyright notice intact.
5:49PM 2/13/01