Mock Aircraft Fire Demonstration at Indian Hills Airpark
By Ron Kilber
March 6, 2001
Salome, Arizona -- The Salome Voluntary Fire Department held a mock aircraft fire demonstration and equipment display at the Indian Hills Airpark this evening. Fire Chief Gabriel Palma and airpark resident George Roth coordinated the event not only to demonstrate fire and rescue capability to the aviation community but to also provide an opportunity for firefighters to learn how to best deal with an aircraft emergency.
Palma, with nine of the Department's thirteen volunteer firemen, displayed fire-fighting and rescue equipment, including a Hummer and two fire trucks. A question-and-answer session provided opportunity for pilots to interact with firemen.
While hangars provided shelter from arriving weather, pilots demonstrated fuel, electrical and ignition systems on low- and high-wing aircraft. Many airplanes have fuel lines routed through the cockpit, limiting the use of rescue equipment such as the Jaws of Life, for example, when forcing entry into a downed aircraft.
Chief Gabriel Palma and airpark resident George Roth field questions from pilots and firefighters.
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Airpark resident Ed Willard demonstrates his aircraft's fuel system to firefighters.
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Copyright (C) 2001 Ron Kilber All rights reserved.
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9:30PM 3/8/01